Local Boy Scout To Perform Service Project At HSHA
Recently, the Humane Society of Harrisburg Area (HSHA) received a call from a young man inquiring about the possibility of performing a service project that would benefit our shelter. This young man, Morgan, explained he was a Boy Scout with Troop 77 which is part of the New Birth of Freedom Council, Keystone Capital District of the Boy Scouts of America. His troop is sponsored by Tree of Life Church on Linglestown Road outside of Harrisburg. As a member of Troop 77, Morgan has been working his way up through the ranks and is now working on the highest rank in Scouting; that of Eagle Scout. In doing so, among other things such as earning additional merit badges, the Scout must perform a ‘Service Project ‘ which will benefit his community. Service to others is an important aspect of the Scouting movement. As the Boy Scout Oath states, “to help other people at all times”, Morgan has chosen to help us here at the shelter by constructing a shed on site that will provide additional much needed storage.
The storage unit will measure 6’ by 14’ and will be attached to our existing food storage garage. The unit will consist of standard wood framing, floor and sliding bypass doors on the long side. Any wood material in contact with the ground or potential weather will be constructed using pressure treated lumber. The roof and walls will be covered with a painted, galvanized steel vertical siding.
Non-profit organizations are many times in need of material items or other resources, and we here at HSHA are no different. One thing we are always short on is that of storage space. Meeting and working with a few staff here at HSHA, it was determined this was something Morgan wanted to attempt and we desperately need. There is no doubt Morgan will succeed, but not to worry, he won’t be doing all the work himself. According to information provided to us by Boy Scouts of America, one of the rank requirements is to plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school, or community. Through this requirement, Scouts practice what they have learned and gain valuable project management and leadership experience. In other words, Morgan will recruit some of his fellow Scouts to assist in the project and lead them in their work, as well.

As with most projects of this type, the aspect of finances comes about. The Scout is not required to provide financial support in the completion of the Service Project. Morgan will be mentored by the facility Building Maintenance Coordinator here at HSHA and together they have worked thus far to plan the structure, develop a material list and cost summary. With the needed items consisting strictly of building material, we are reaching out to the public for donations specifically earmarked for this project. To simplify this plea, we are seeking gift cards from Home Depot or Lowe’s as we too support our local businesses. Thank you for your consideration.
Gift card donations can be mailed to: Humane Society of Harrisburg Area, Attn: Roger Amsbaugh, 7790 Grayson Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Lowes and Home Depot gift cards can also be emailed directly to HSHA at AmandaB@humanesocietyhbg.org.
And be sure to check back throughout the Spring and Summer to see the project’s progress!