It takes a lot of helping hands and hearts to fulfill HSHA’s mission to build a better community for pets and people. Learn more through the eyes of staff, volunteers, adopters, and more.
Latest Stories

Rescued from Filth
17 small dogs and puppies are in our care after they were found living in deplorable conditions.
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HSHA 2023 Award Winners
Each year HSHA recognizes several key individuals that have truly exemplified and embodied the organization’s mission, to build a better community for pets and people. Congratulations to our 2023 Winners.
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Mutley “Moo-ves” On: New Family, New Life
After two returned adoptions, long-term resident Mutley Moo finds his fur-ever home with the family that fostered him!
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$3,000+ Raised to Honor HSHA Alumna, Pixel
Kathryn and husband Chris were devastated when, on December 26th, 2022, their beloved cat, Pixel, passed away suddenly at nearly 18 years old.
Pixel was a Humane Society of Harrisburg Area (HSHA) alumna, and two days after her passing, Kathryn reached out to HSHA to find out the best way to raise funds for the shelter to honor Pixel’s life. HSHA noted that the funds could be used for a resident housing sponsorship, and a plaque could hang at a cat bank in memory of Pixel for a year. Excited, Kathryn and Chris started fundraising immediately, and the support was overwhelming.
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Sheep that Jumped Into Public Swimming Pool Finds Forever Home
“Sheep Jumps into Public Swimming Pool” is not a headline you read too often. However, in July 2021, it was a headline seen all over Perry County when a loose sheep hopped into the Bloomfield Centre Carroll Pool in New Bloomfield, Perry County. The sheep came through an open gate and promptly jumped right into the deep end of the pool. Luckily, two lifeguards were able to help the sheep out of the pool to safety. Police arrived and took the sheep to the Humane Society of Harrisburg Area’s farm sanctuary in Perry County in hopes of locating the sheep’s owner.
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We Are Here
On a recent dreary Thursday, half a dozen staff members set out on foot to search for a dog that was hastily tied to a pole in our driveway, abandoned before the first staff members arrived at 7am. In the pouring rain, they spot the terrified dog and methodically move closer. Carefully, they communicate with […]
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