“Secret Santas” Pay for Holiday Adopt-a-Thon Adoption Fees
The community we serve never ceases to amaze us with its generosity and kindness. And this holiday season is no different. Every December we hold our annual Holiday Adopt-a-Thon, which features reduced adoption rates of $20 for dogs and $10 for cats, kittens, and critters. It’s a way to raise awareness for shelter animals in hopes of getting them a home for the holidays.
Several weeks before the event, we were approached by a group that wished to remain anonymous. They said they wanted to do something special and asked if they could help pay for some of the adoption fees at this years Holiday Adopt-a-Thon. The group of “Secret Santas” raised $750 to help pay for the event’s adoption fees.
40 animals were adopted through the Holiday Adopt-a-Thon, and all adoption fees were free to adopters thanks to these Secret Santas. The remaining money was used as a Guardian Angel donation for long-term residents as the shelter. A Guardian Angel donation helps pay for a pet’s adoption fee and care at the shelter.
Thank you to these generous Secret Santas!
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