Surrendering Your Pet
Part of being a responsible pet owner is committing to care for your pets for the duration of their life. Sometimes pet owners experience challenging behaviors in their pets and may even consider giving their pet up to the HSHA as a result. Before turning to this option, please review our Surrender Prevention page – there are several alternatives to surrendering your pet to a shelter.
*Please note, for any pet(s) previously adopted from HSHA, a signed contract was completed at the time of adoption, stating that the pet(s) would be returned to HSHA if the adopter could no longer keep them. Please contact our Intake Center at 717-564-3320 option 4 to schedule a time to return the pet(s)
Acceptance of surrendered animals is dependent on space and cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, a surrender fee is required to help defray the cost of caring for the animal. Surrender fees are: $122 for dogs (non-pit bull), $265.90 for pit bulls, and $135.70 for cats. We are not able to accept surrender requests from outside of Perry, Dauphin, and Cumberland counties.