Report Cruelty





Give back to your community and help your business

When you team up with the Humane Society of Harrisburg Area as a corporate sponsor, you open the door to endless possibilities. Together, we will create positive change within our community, help control the homeless animal population, and improve the lives of pets and their families. Aligning your business with the positive mission of humane animal treatment will create an incredible impact on your corporate brand and support the needs of the community.

With continuous successes, HSHA offers our corporate sponsors a variety of opportunities for exposure throughout Central PA with additional opportunities to reach Southeastern Pennsylvania, the entire state of Delaware, parts of Maryland and New Jersey, and even on a national level, thanks to our affiliation with Brandywine Valley SPCA. Our brand reaches more than 55,000 contacts through social media and email marketing, plus 15,000 new users visit the HSHA website each month. Our immensly popular signature events (Penguin Plunge, Fur Ball Gala & Auction, and Walk for Paws) connect us with more than 1,000 attendees each year. 

Sponsorship Levels

Whether it’s a shout-out to your business on our social media handles, a premier ad spot in our Gala Program Book, or your company logo featured on a 20-foot banner during one of our Mega Adoption Events, sponsoring with HSHA will help you extend your scope of influence to a whole new level.

Platinum – $15,000



  • Full page advertisement in signature event programs
  • Recognition at all three signature events, including print & digital 
  • Recognition at event zones or presenting partner naming
  • Reserved seats or tickets to our annual gala or comparable fundraiser
  • Cross promotion on BVSPCA’s website and promotional materials
Gold – $10,000



  • Full page advertisement in signature event programs
  • Recognition at all three signature events, including print & digital 
  • Recognition at event zones or presenting partner naming
  • Reserved seats or tickets to our annual gala or comparable fundraiser
Silver – $7,500


  • Signature events recognition
  • Half page advertisement in signature event programs
  • Vendor table at Walk for Paws or Fur Ball Gala & Auction in prominent location
  • Reserved seats or tickets to our annual gala or comparable fundraiser
Bronze – $5,000


  • Quarter page advertisement in signature event programs (digital or print)
  • Vendor booth at Walk for Paws or Penguin Plunge
  • Reserved seats or tickets to our annual gala or comparable fundraiser

Questions? Ready to Sponsor?

Contact the Director of Marketing & Outreach, Amanda Brunish, at 717.564.3320 x125 or

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Day of Service Volunteering

We’re fortunate to have businesses whose staff enjoy coming to the shelter for service days. They help keep our shelter clean and organized while giving love to our animals along the way. Can your corporate team lend a paw?  Please click below to fill out our Day of Service interest form.